

e - enviromental
We recognise that our responsibility towards the environment extends along the entire value chain and for this reason we choose suppliers who care about protecting the environment. We base our business on sustainability, for example, reducing resource consumption and recycling, and supporting remote working.

s - social
We are committed to enhancing the well-being of our employees, customers, and other stakeholders. We ensure that there is respect in our working environment daily and we focus on the development of every team member. We create an inclusive working environment that fully reflects the diversity of viewpoints.
We promote the remote-first principle, i.e. enabling our colleagues to work from anywhere, which is part of our support for Poland’s local development. We participate in various pro-bono actions, including those promoting Poland abroad, and Poland’s local development, and take part in initiatives developing legislation. We are involved in voluntary work, including helping refugees from Ukraine.

g - governance
We believe that our company can only achieve exceptional results if there is an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding. We protect the confidentiality of information, use accessible, non-exclusionary language in internal and external communications, and establish strategic partnerships with external organisations that help us achieve our goals.

our commitment
At ZT TAX, sustainability is a philosophy that permeates every aspect of our business. Our aim is not only to provide the highest quality of service to our clients but also to shape a positive impact on our environment, both socially and environmentally. We aim to create sustainable values that will help shape a better future for us all.
If your goal is to be up-do-date and have an overview of statutory tax deadlines and important changes in taxes in Poland before they happen, we invite you to read our posts.