Tax reliefs
We carry out complex projects for our clients on pro-innovation tax preferences. We offer support at every stage of implementation and use of the selected tax preference.

Research and development relief
By applying the R&D relief, taxpayers can significantly reduce their tax base by deducting once again the same costs incurred for research and development activities. This includes, but is not limited to, employee salaries, the costs of materials and resources, scientific expertise and consultancy services and the acquisition and maintenance of intellectual property rights, as well as depreciation charges on fixed assets.
We analyse the applicability and assist in the implementation of R&D relief within our Clients’ organisations. We suggest how to record and classify R&D expenses. We calculate the achievable tax benefit and assist with corrections of settlements with the tax administration.
We offer support in the following areas:
- analysis of the applicability of the relief over the entire period that can still be covered by the correction of tax returns,
- identification of qualified costs and determination of the deductible amount,
documenting qualified costs, - applying for an individual tax interpretation to confirm the correct use of the relief,
- calculation of the amount of relief,
- completion of the CIT-BR return and correction of tax settlements,
- support in the course of official inspections and proceedings.
With the so-called IP Box relief, taxpayers can reduce the tax rate on income from qualified IP rights to only 5 per cent. Qualified IP rights include, among others, a patent, the industrial design right or the copyright of a computer programme. In order to calculate the income subject to preferential taxation, it is necessary to correctly record the revenues and expenses related to the right in question, as well as to calculate the nexus rate.
We provide assistance with the implementation of IP BOX: we identify qualified IP rights and the revenues and costs associated with them, and calculate the nexus rate. We prepare transfer pricing analyses for the settlement of IP BOX. We verify the possibility of combining IP BOX with other tax preferences.
Our offer includes:
- identification of qualified intellectual property rights present in the taxpayer’s organisation,
- verification of agreements and other internal documents related to qualified IPs,
- applying for an individual tax interpretation to confirm eligibility for the preference,
- allocation of revenue and costs to a given eligible IP, preparation of IP BOX records,
- calculation of the nexus rate,
- reviewing the possibility of combining the IP Box with other tax preferences, in particular the R&D relief,
- preparation of CIT/IP returns and correction of tax settlements,
- support in the course of official inspections and proceedings.
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